Quickstart Guide : Where Have All My Assets Gone?
Where Have All My Assets Gone?
So what about the needle in the haystack? How can you quickly find the one asset, or that bunch of assets, that you urgently need just now? How can you limit the overwhelming number of records in your catalog to a reasonable amount of displayed records?
Finding Assets: Quicksearch
Finding Assets: The Power of the Find Window
Finding Assets: Search by Category
Finding Assets: Calendar Search
Filtering: Less Might Be More
Finding Assets: Quicksearch
The easiest way to find specific records is the Quicksearch function located in the main toolbar.
Simply type a name, a term, or a number into the Quicksearch field and hit Enter, or click the magnifying glass button (). Cumulus searches the metadata that is stored in the records of a Cumulus catalog. (Actually, not all metadata – by default, only certain metadata fields are taken into account by Quicksearch, like Record Name, Document Text, Notes, Keywords, and Categories.)
The result of your Quicksearch – the records containing the search term – are displayed in the Record pane. If no matching record exists, a message is shown.
But of course, searching in Cumulus is not restricted to single words or numbers. To search for a term consisting of two or more words, enclose them in quotation marks.
For example, the search for Canto Cumulus will result in records that contain either Canto or Cumulus or both in at least one of the searched record fields. But searching for “Canto Cumulus” – with quotation marks – will result in records that contain the exact phrase only, i.e. the words Canto and Cumulus separated by a space. You will find more search options explained in the tip that pops up when you hover the pointer over the magnifying glass.
If the search result still contains a huge number of records, just perform a new search and limit it to the current collection, i.e. the results of the previous search. Type a new search term into the Quicksearch field, then click the arrow next to the magnifying glass button to open the Quicksearch menu and select Find in ­Collection:
Please notice that this menu also offers a history of your searches. Any of these searches can be selected and performed again as a new search:
So, the Record pane now displays the search result – but where is the rest of the records from your catalog? You can easily restore the view of the whole catalog. Either you clear the Quicksearch field and hit Enter (or click the magnifying glass button (), or you just hit Ctrl+G / Cmd+G, and there you are.
Finding Assets:
The Power of the Find Window
If the Quicksearch isn’t your cup of tea and you’re looking for really sophisticated search options instead, have a look at the Find Window which reveals the true search power of Cumulus.
To open the Find window:
1. From the Find menu, select Find Records, or
from the Quicksearch menu, select Advanced, or
just hit Ctrl+F / Cmd+F.
The Find window appears.
In the Find window you may set up complex queries to find virtually any type of data stored for an asset. Boolean operators (“and”, “or”) increase the search possibilities even further. Different search methods let you define the search area (either all records of all catalogs opened in the current collection or only the records contained in the current collection.) The matches can either be added to the current collection, replace the records in the current collection or comprise a new collection of their own.
For more details, refer to the Cumulus online help, section “Searching with the Find Window”.