Installation of AutoTranslate for Cumulus

All steps for the installation are described on this page.

Google Cloud account / API key

To start using AutoTranslate with the Google Translate API you need an Google Drive account with the activated Google Translate API. The following steps are needed:

  • Create a new account at Google Cloud if you have no account (payment methods are needed here although it is free of charge in the beginning)
  • Switch to the Google Cloud Console and create a new Application in the upper section
  • Go to the API library and choose the Google Cloud Translation API to activate it
  • Go to Credentials and generate an API key
  • create a new empty text document, paste the API key into this document and save it under the name apikey-google.txt

DeepL account / API key

To use AutoTranslate with the DeepL API you need an DeepL Pro account. The following steps are needed:

  • Create a new account at the DeepL website if you have no account (enter payment method; basic usage starts at 20 € / month).
  • Go to your DeepL account and copy the authentication key.
  • create a new empty text document, paste the authentication key into this document and save it under the name apikey-deepl.txt

Copy the needed files to the Cumulus server

To use the plugin you have to extract the content of the file into the esp folder of your Cumulus server. The esp folder of your server can be found within the installation path of your Cumulus Server. Please note that it is important that the created folder within the esp folder is named autotranslate.

Then you need to get an activation key from CDS Gromke e.K. and paste save it in the text file license.txt. If you do not have an activation key, please feel free to contact us:

The last step is to copy the files license.txt apikey-google.txt and apikey-deepl.txt into the folder you just created within the esp folder. Even if you only have an API key for one of the translation providers please save both text files.

The directory and file structure should look like this:


Restart your Cumulus server

To use the plugin you have to restart your Cumulus server so the plugin is loaded.