Cumulus InDesign Client  : Welcome!
This user assistance is intended to show you your way around Cumulus InDesign Client.
It informs you about
what Cumulus InDesign Client is, and what can you do with it,
the look & feel of Cumulus InDesign Client, and
how you can achieve different tasks with Cumulus InDesign Client.
Using this User Assistance
When you click or tap the Help icon, this page opens.
Find what you are looking for
Searching the description for a specific feature? Type the words you are looking for in the Search field at the top.
Browsing what is available? Let the links in the Contents panel guide you to the information.
Find an item via index? Select the Index icon next to the Contents icon. A list of topics is displayed.
Reading on paper
Prefer reading a paper document? Select the Print icon in the top right corner and have the current topic printed.
Tell us what you think
We are committed to providing you with high quality documentation and you can help us to continually improve the documentation that we offer by telling us what you think. We appreciate all types of feedback and look forward to hearing from you. Write to us by clicking the email icon in the top right corner.
Understanding conventions used
Instructional steps are identified by numbers:
1. This would be the first step (and could be only one as well).
2. This would the next step (and could be the last as well).
Named user interface elements – buttons, menus, text fields, etc. – are displayed in bold. For example:
“Select Open.”
Successive actions (such as selecting a submenu of a menu) are connected with the > sign:
“Select File > Open.”