Specialized Usage : Working with Office Documents­ : The PowerPoint Add-In : Importing Cataloged Slides, Images or Objects
Importing Cataloged Slides, Images or Objects
You can import cataloged slides, images and objects (media) from Cumulus into Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. You may import all image and object formats which PowerPoint supports.
When you import cataloged slides, they are always added at the end of the current presentation and the layout of the master slide is applied. When you import cataloged images or objects, they are inserted into the current slide. To import cataloged slides, images or objects:
1. Start your Cumulus application if it is not already running.
2. Select the record of the asset to be imported.
NOTE: Cumulus must have access to the assets – wherever it is stored: on your hard disk, in Cumulus Vault, on an FTP server...
3. Open the PowerPoint presentation to which you want to add the cataloged asset.
4. If you are importing pictures or media:
Select the slide in which you want to place the picture or media.
5. Click on , OR
select Insert > Slides from Cumulus, OR
select Insert > Picture > From Cumulus
(in 2007/8 MS Office System to be found on the Add Ins tab).
NOTE: For Cumulus Vault Users Only!
If the asset is stored in Cumulus Vault and the option Ask for Version to Get is activated Cumulus will prompt you to select the version.
You are asked whether images or objects should be embedded or linked.
Embedded images and objects will be stored with the presentation whereas linked ones require access to the files themselves to be displayed. (For more information on linked and embedded objects, see the background information below.
6. Click the desired button.
The asset will be inserted into the current slide.
NOTE: You may also select multiple assets to be imported. Cascading files will be inserted on top of each other in the same order as viewed in Cumulus (last on top.)
BACKGROUND INFO: Linked and Embedded Objects
The main differences between linked objects and embedded objects are where the data is stored and how it is updated after it is placed.
Linked: When an object is linked, information is updated if the source file was updated. Linked data is stored in the source file only. The presentation stores only the location of the source file and displays a representation of the linked data. Use linked objects if file size is a consideration. But be aware that you have to copy the linked objects separately if you copy the presentation to another storage media or computer.
Embedded: When an object is embedded, information in the presentation doesn't change if you modify the source file. Embedded objects become part of the presentation and, once inserted, are no longer part of the source file.