Specialized Usage : Working with Office Documents­ : Cataloging Outlook Messages
Cataloging Outlook Messages
Cumulus lets you catalog mail messages stored in the Microsoft Office Outlook Message Format (file extension: msg) and all attachments or embedded images as separate assets along with it. The Compound Document Filter will capture mail addresses to the record fields Email CC, Email From, Email To and the text of the message to the Document Text record field.
The Outlook Message AssetStore enables Cumulus to create one record for each attachment or embedded image of a Microsoft Office Outlook message while cataloging – in addition to creating a record for the message. These records will be assigned to the corresponding message as “related sub assets”. A category for each message will automatically be created and the images’ and attachments’ records are assigned to these categories. The record name of an attachment or an embedded image is the name of the image as saved with the message.
To have the full support for Outlook messages, you must use an Asset Handling Set that has the Outlook Message AssetStore activated for cataloging and the catalog must provide the corresponding record fields. (For details on how to add record fields to a catalog, see “Adding Fields” . For a description on how to customize an Asset Handling Set see “Editing An Asset Handling Set” .)