Opens a submenu with options related to the possibility of uploading a video to the Cumulus Video Cloud service in order to make in publicly available.
Show Video Cloud Data
Opens a dialog displaying data related to the selected received from the Cumulus Video Cloud service (as opposed to data stored in Cumulus)..
For a detailed explanation of the information provided, see Video Cloud Data.
Uploads the selected video(s) to the Cumulus Video Cloud service. All necessary derivatives for different solutions and devices will then be created automatically.
Removes the selected video(s) from the Cumulus Video Cloud service. (This function does not impact the availability of the video within Cumulus.)
(Only available with videos that are already uploaded to the Cumulus Video Cloud service!) Makes the selected video(s) available to the public via the provided embed code and video link.
(Only available with videos that are already published!) Blocks the public availability of the selected videos. The videos remain untouched on the Cumulus Video Cloud service and can be published again later.