New catalogs can be created by the Cumulus Administrator only. The Cumulus Administrator is also responsible for providing catalogs to Client users.
Creating Catalogs
To create a new catalog you can log on to the Cumulus Server from any Cumulus Client and tell the Server where the catalog is to be stored and what you want to call it.
To create new catalogs:
1. Log on as Cumulus Administrator to the Cumulus Server.
2. In the Catalog Access window, click New.
The Create New Catalog window and, on top of it, the Browse window appear.
3. From the Look In drop-down list, select the location where the new catalog shall be stored. (Only locations approved by the Cumulus Administrator are accessible).
4. In the File Name field enter a name for the new catalog, then click OK.
The Browse window is closed. In the Location field of the Create New Catalog window, the location and the name of the new catalog are displayed. The file extension.ccf is added automatically.
5. From the Select a Template drop-down list, select a template.
6. Click OK.
The new catalog now appears in the catalog list of the Catalog Access window.
So far, the new catalog is only available to the Cumulus Administrator. In order to make a catalog available to other Cumulus users the Cumulus Administrator must share it.