If you are working in a multi-language environment, you might want to translate the names and descriptions of asset relation types into other languages.
To translate a relation type’s name and descriptions:
1. Make sure the collection window containing the catalog is the active window in Cumulus.
2. Select Cumulus / Edit> Preferences.
3. Click Catalog Settings.
The Catalog Settings window is displayed. If the active collection window contains more than one catalog, select the catalog you want to edit under Catalogs.
4. Click Relations. This displays a list of the current relation types included in the catalog.
5. Select the relation type you want to localize.
6. Click Localize. This opens a list containing the languages supported by Cumulus.
7. On the entry of the language you want to localize, click on the field you want to translate and replace the default text with your translation.
8. Click OK. This brings you back to the relation type list.