The Cumulus Importer utility enables the import of metadata (e.g., from other database systems) into Cumulus catalogs via text files (separated by delimiters.) The data can be imported into record or category fields, into string list fields as values, or into the category tree, which enables the Importer to create hierarchical categories. The details specified for an import process can be saved as an Import Configuration Set.
There are different types of import destinations available with the Cumulus Importer:
• Import of Categories into the Category Tree You can import data from an import file as categories to a Cumulus catalog. You specify the field of the import file which data is to be imported as categories. And you specify the hierarchy level where they shall be inserted.
• Import of Metadata into Record Fields You can import data from an import file into record fields of a Cumulus catalog. You define relations between a record field and a field of the import file. Furthermore, you can create new records that are not related to assets for entries in the import file that do not correspond to records already existing in the current catalog.
• Import of Metadata into Category Fields (Enterprise only) You can import data from an import file into category fields of a Cumulus catalog. You define relations between a category field and the field of the import file. The procedure is identical to the procedure for importing information into record fields. Furthermore, you can create new categories for entries in the import file that do not correspond to already existing categories in the current catalog.
• Import of Values to String List Fields You can import data from an import file as values into the properties of a string list field, even different values for different languages in multi-lingual string list fields. Values can be imported to any category or record field of the type String List.