If you’ve been snooping around the Cumulus menu bar, you can probably guess how to create a new category.
To create a category:
1. Click the category in which the new category should be nested.
2. Select Metadata > New Category or New Related Category. This creates a category nested in the selected category.
3. Rename the new category. (Category names can be up to 255 characters in length.)
You can easily change the category hierarchies by dragging a category on top of another category. This places the category inside the other category. To move a category to the top level of a catalog, drop it on the category representing the catalog.
Master categories can’t be dragged to a different place.
Renaming categories is easy:
1. Double-click the category’s name (not its icon). Its name will be selected for editing.
2. Edit the name. (Category names can be up to 255 characters long.)